Sunday, August 18, 2013

Beautifully Different (Repost)

Who am I? And who are you? Our differences are defined by trait and character that neither of us have deliberately created, thus have nurtured and grown genuinely in us beautifully. I’m comfortable in my own skin, and I sure think you are too.
But in a strong society of weak humanity we get attacked by this character imposed on the whole…who created it?... we’ll never know… So I start noticing your attacked differences and I subconsciously judge you, pointing at you… “You are different”… and in return you start judging me too, for a character that actually none of us abide to. Then what?
I start to feel uncomfortable, and so do you…we opt abidance and cover the truth. We stand together in one picture…picture perfect…though not true. Identity lost, grey colors, shades of monochrome, until we can say no more “who are you?”. Stagnant society condemned by self, unable to move in a pattern less shell. All the same, all the same, nothing’s different, so why the care.
I’m lost in contemplation…my mirror shows an empty frame, once so full of colored springs. I’ve lost it…you’ve lost it…and we’re to blame.
I’ve judged you…my mistake…you’ve judged me…your mistake…and in a followers’ society, our mistakes rippled.
I forgot how I saw myself in your difference, and how you dwelled in my different new. The room you gave me to discover something, progress too, and how you strived to add hue. We painted a picture with our hands, and everybody was allowed to trance.  The world grew with me and you, just by being different and true.
Colors and shades, patterns of grace, let the world stream with your haze… Let me be, let us be, let them be…and you will be.

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