Wednesday, August 28, 2013


We are all born with a trait chosen for us individually, on which a desire is born, and accordingly our lives take on a path, through this path only can we be fulfilled. This trait is partially formed by our biological genetic combination, and it is nurtured by the inevitable surrounding of parental figures, community and environment, that it either evolves or deforms. Some people are lucky, and despite any deformation that could have taken place to their personal trait, they manage to define this born desire, identify it amongst hobbies, talents and all other qualities and abilities imposed on you that could fool your mind to the easier path of success. Another some, live long enough lost amidst the fluctuating waves of circumstances, watching the sands of time burying the ever deteriorating hidden passion and they never get to acknowledge it. And some unfortunate souls, find their passionate desire, but fear the unknown path so they rest with the familiar and silence the sounds of their hearts, eventually losing the will for life. But what most of us do not realize, is that our bodies, minds, and the world we live in, were created with a balance, a balance that provides tranquility, so no matter misfortune we are bound to meet, our Creator gave Man the mind and the heart to embrace the world, to be the master and steer the wheel, despite the distance and the boundaries.

From the moment your mind is untangled from the maneuvering strings of your parents, your teachers and all authoritarians, from the time your vision clears, and for the first time you observe purely the image your heart and no one else’s conveys to you, that moment is when you realize there has been a desire, a desire that lingered restless, wandering ever more through your system, that desire, forms part of your being, part of the destination on which you take on the road, for one journey, your individual journey that will settle the unsettled child and adult with in you, light your heart and set you free. 
The journey is never easy, never short, you will need to listen and observe nature’s hidden guidelines born within you and around you, you will need escorts; leaders, followers and companions, for a journey is meant to be learnt from and taught. It will be a journey like any other, with a horizon and stops, only this time you get to “enjoy the ride as well as the destination”. You will meet your escorts through out the way. There will be people who can’t help and add nothing, people who give wrong directions, people who give maps and leave, people who offer to guard you till you safely arrive, people who manage to make the journey lighter and the distance tolerable, people who hold your hands and guide you till you set foot on the right path, and people who are ready to accompany you through out the journey till the end “do us part”. You get to ask questions, search for answers and pray to be set on the right direction. You could unintentionally pick the wrong direction, but since your heart breathed life, it will alarm you, so you will try other directions, of which one will be the right, only then will the journey become meaningful, enjoyable and you learn to overcome any obstacles that meet you, since you know you are heading for the right destination; your peaceful kingdom, your sovereignty.

Image source:

Saturday, August 24, 2013

مُخَيِّلة غد قريب

 عيني تُبصِر لما يبعد له خيالي، فلا احجم  رؤيتي بالتشاؤم و لا اغلق عيني عن الوقع
في مخيلتي اري اشراق غد بعيد، او لعله قريب.. ينهض اليه بنو ادم و ينعم بافق جديد
اري حلم كبير و احلم بواقعه القريب
صباح ينعم به الناس لنهضة يوم جديد؛ لكل منا سعادة او علي الاقل حلم كبير
الانسان يبتسم في وجه اخيه، و يدعو له امه و ابيه
الحوائج تُقضي في غفلة امل؛ يسعي الانسان و يتوكل علي رب يقولانا عند ظن عبدي بي٠
لا تستند الحاجة علي مادة و لكن علي عزة بلد يحيا فيها الانسان كريمو كرامته من كرامة اخيه
البلدُ بلدي اعيش فيها شريفيسعي كل منا و الكل مخلص في دوره اصيل
البداية خطوة النفس، فهي تكر خيط رفيع
الخوف يقضي عليه العمل بضمير، و تقوي الاحلام و نري في البلد امل كبير
 لا تيآس من هول الاحداث و لا  تقصر بصيرتك علي واقع مرير.. قم بنفسك و اختطي خطوة تجدي الاميال في الغد الجديد، فسعادة الخطوة و بصيرة ما يلي تطيح بالف مرارة ماض اليم٠

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Close to the Edge (Repost, and rather relevant!)

The world is resonating, about to cross the edge, forbidding and rebelling against the Man
made tragedy. Hanging on its last breath, it sends out a flashback of the earlier life, the untouched nature and the pure were a shining armor with an initial encounter with the sun, you could only see light; rays reverberating your soul, indulging you in the warmth of a divine force. The sea proposed a blue horizon, joining with the sky, blending in giving more space to your thoughts to flow and manifest. You stood on shore, innocently approaching the sea, allowing your toes to orchestrate your senses through the flow of water. Smooth tides, swiftly started pulling you in to the heaving blows of constant movement, one step at a time until the world you once knew disappeared in a hazy sight, and the games begun.

I don’t understand... I’m lost in translation. Sense and intuition are no longer acquired, long lost in waves of confusion and conflicting minds. The world I once knew appears to be childhood memories. Where am I?? I can’t stay here long, or my sanity that holds on to a reserve I have will end, and I’ll be one of them. But who’s them and who’s us? Why are we different when we’re standing for the same cause, wanting the same things... 

I walk along and everything proposes a question mark; faces are blurry, chests are hollow and only moving bodies create a crowd. Chants arise, but I can’t hear a word...I’m trying to listen closely, but I don’t understand. Everybody is trying to belong so they are chanting along. They are trying to remove barriers and cross gates of silence and oppression that they created for each other, but their trials are captivated by their dispersion and misunderstandings. No one’s listening and no one hears a word. In reality their calls match in content, but each one uses a language, and the struggle of different needs overrule. Innocent needs and stained wants of power and authority are forced to blend, and the truth is lost in the crowd.
The mess starts to rise, and an overriding wave of conflict rises. People are starting to opt a more drastic measure to be heard...they fire. Flames of agony and disturbance at one another, wounds and bloodshed cast a shadow and the vision of an innocent child is forever disturbed. Who’s the martyr and who’s the enemy? None.
The losses we’ve earned, the tears we’ve shed are the only result. And in the end of the day, the woman who died, and the young man who lost an eye will be a memory, and the cause buried with their memory...

Now I can hear one scream, one shout of agony, of objection and disbelief...Earth; hurt, now that the pain is not only wedged in a spot; it has crawled through its entire face. The colours are no longer green and blue; they are wiped away by our hands that backstabbed.

Another repercussion, and now everybody hears the scream...dead silence...people can finally hear. Blowing heaves of thunder...forceful rains... Shattering tides and hurricanes to break the mess and scatter its ashes to disappear.
And to Man’s surprise, and after all the tides, we’re still alive. In fact, we’ve been given life one more time. But we’re given rubbles, shatters of homes and lives to build one more time. To reinvent peace, harmony that feeds on our souls loving and caring for each other, and homes that shelters Man with all seems. A new empty home to remind us all that it is not a one man’s world, it is Man’s world. The barriers are gone and we’re all exposed, to see each other, understand each other and accept the other.

The world is ours, not yours...we’re not one, we’re whole. This world belongs to us all. We’ve been given a place, an identity, and security to manifest in again. Clear horizons, plenty of places, limitless forces and energies to revitalize our existence together; there is room for all...

Monday, August 19, 2013


هو السيال المعنوي حين يفتح الله بين امرئ و آخر لتتجاوب الانفس، و يحدث وصال وجداني ينتج عنه مودة و تفاعل ذهني، يروي النفس من النفس.
به تزدهر بشرية ذات فكر متناغم؛ الالتقاء الفكري يلد راحة و عمل؛ راحة الفَهم و الاستيعاب، و عمل يستنبط الابتكار.تتبدل حينها الرؤي من منزِلة التعايش الي منزِلة المواكبة و الابداع، و الابداع يلزمه احسان و اتقان يبدأ من النفس تجاه نفسها، و يسري دون وعي في تناغم الافكار

هذا التكافؤ ذا الرؤيا المستنيرة يبدأ باولي ثمار الوصال، بمنبع هذا السيال المعنوي. و هو ارقي وصال علي الارض، هو وصال النفس الإلهية بالانفس البشرية التي وُجِدَت منها؛ حيث ترتقي النفس البشرية الي وصال روحاني مجرد من الجماد و المادة. يتفاعل به الذهن ليستنبط الواقع الحق؛ الحياة و المخذي.
غذاء الروح و صلاح الفكر؛ رفع غشاء العقل المتصلب بصراع و سباق الحياة، الهدنة الكونية التي يكسبها الانسان للالتقاء بخالقه و التجلي الي بذور خَلقِه.
وِصال النفس، وإحياء البصيرة

Confession of Character

words in critical times..

Sunday, August 18, 2013

ارتقاء النفس - اعادة نشر

يتسم الانسان بسمات و طباع خُلق بها ليحيا و ينبض كيانه. فكل منّا مختلف عن الاخر؛ متفرد بهيئته، نشأته، و استخدامه لغرائزه و طباعه. علي قدر استيعاب المرأ للحياة اللتي وُلِد ليحيا بها و لها، علي قدر حرصه لارتقاء نفسه البشرية. الحياة وُجِدت ليختبر الانسان نفسه، فالله خلقنا احرار ذوي عقول، عجبت البشرية لتكوينها، لاختيار شِق تِرحال الدنيا. فتمر علينا مناوشات الحياة؛ احداث و اقدار لنتفكر، لنجمع ما نتفرّد به من تكوين و نُكَرِّسُه للارتقاء بالموقف الي غايته. 

هل نحيا بهدف؟ هل نمضي في الحياة لهدف؟ 
ان نتفكر في هذا السؤال في حد ذاته هو ارتقاء و انتقال بالموارد البشرية الي محيا اسمي. فهنا يتم اختبار النفس؛ العقل و البدن، الروح و الايمان، و تتم بداية اثمر رحلة للانسان. رحلة استكشاف النفس، البدن الهامد الذي ثَقُل بموارد و قدرات صامتةُ الفعل، الخمول الذي احدث فجوة علي الارض خُلِقَت ذاتُك خِصّيصاً لِتُعَمِّرها. رحلة طويلة عميقة، يأتي ثمارها في كل خطوة فيها. 

و مع كل اكتشاف ياتي اختبار اخر؛ احداث و فِتن لعركلة الصعود و الصمود، فالحياة ولِدَت بفطرة الخير، و شِق اخر لتعكيز الارتقاء و خلخلة اتزان الحُسن. فيأتي الاختيار للبيئة و الوسط، حيث تفعيل العزيمة؛ اِما الاستسلام و الانسياق، او "قلب الطربيزة" و الانفراد بوسط شخصك فقط، تعزيم النفس علي الثبات و المضي للامام، للهدف، و تنزيه هويتك عن اي تلطيخ.
العمل، العمل في صمت؛ بعيداً عن تشريد من حولك، جاعلاً افعالك و ثمارك ناطقا، مُفعِلا هويتك. فينطق الحق من جماده و يسقط الباطل الزائف تلقاء نفسه.

"إن الله لا يُغَّيِر ما بقومٍ حتي يُغَّيِروا ما بانفُسِهِم"

العلو، التقدم، ارتقاء النفس بادرة ارتقاء الجمع. 

Beautifully Different (Repost)

Who am I? And who are you? Our differences are defined by trait and character that neither of us have deliberately created, thus have nurtured and grown genuinely in us beautifully. I’m comfortable in my own skin, and I sure think you are too.
But in a strong society of weak humanity we get attacked by this character imposed on the whole…who created it?... we’ll never know… So I start noticing your attacked differences and I subconsciously judge you, pointing at you… “You are different”… and in return you start judging me too, for a character that actually none of us abide to. Then what?
I start to feel uncomfortable, and so do you…we opt abidance and cover the truth. We stand together in one picture…picture perfect…though not true. Identity lost, grey colors, shades of monochrome, until we can say no more “who are you?”. Stagnant society condemned by self, unable to move in a pattern less shell. All the same, all the same, nothing’s different, so why the care.
I’m lost in contemplation…my mirror shows an empty frame, once so full of colored springs. I’ve lost it…you’ve lost it…and we’re to blame.
I’ve judged you…my mistake…you’ve judged me…your mistake…and in a followers’ society, our mistakes rippled.
I forgot how I saw myself in your difference, and how you dwelled in my different new. The room you gave me to discover something, progress too, and how you strived to add hue. We painted a picture with our hands, and everybody was allowed to trance.  The world grew with me and you, just by being different and true.
Colors and shades, patterns of grace, let the world stream with your haze… Let me be, let us be, let them be…and you will be.

Change of Domain

I've been writing in a different domain since september 2011, and due to recent constant domain errors I decided to switch to a more reliable domain.
I will be posting some of my previous work, meanwhile uploading new posts.

Thank you for reading!