Tuesday, September 22, 2015

"قوس قزح"

قوس قزح،
ابتداع الخيال، وحي المنطق.
يظهر من حيث لا ندري بين عتمة السحاب و انهطال المطر.
يظهر مع تكدس الفكر و عبئ الحال،
 يناجي في مُبصِره الحياة، انشطار المادة الي سراب يُزيِّن النفس بالهدوء و لو للحظات.
لا يُلتَمس و لا يُلتَحق، يأتي و يرحل بتدبير الخالق للأجواء.
و لعلّنا احياناً نخادع ابصارنا لنراه، و لعلّنا ننتظره و نترقبه،
لكنّه لن يطلّ علينا حتي يخادع المنطق؛ فتنهمر المياه و يفاجئها ضياء
من حيث لا تدري و لا تحتسب.
فهل ننطوي في خداع المنطق و نلحق السراب،
ام نرتجل من الحياة سرائرها و أعبائها حتي و حين نري ما نري
من القوس قزح.

Saturday, May 23, 2015

"Be Flexible"

Be flexible, brutally flexible
Be flexible towards yourself and towards others
Be flexible with your methods, we all know what we really want inside, (we think we don't but if you look deep enough you'd know) and there's more than one way to get there
Be flexible with your perception, sometimes, and despite our instinct (and knowledge), there's more than what meets the eye
Be flexible with your opinions, second chances doesn't be little you
Be flexible with your routine, a little surprise (or sometimes a break) won't collapse your structure
Be flexible with your plans, they will change, we don't know what's coming ahead, so leave room for adjustments (and sometimes cancellations, they only mean you're heading for a new plan)
Be flexible with your feelings, it's never demeaning to love again 
Be flexible with your food, a little sting freshens the body (unless you're  allergic)
Be flexible to learn more, see more, understand more, feel more, and give more. 
The world is too big and too full; be flexible to have the capacity to digest life.