Monday, September 15, 2014

"True Matter"

I've come to realise that I am quite a sensitive person, not in terms of experiencing emotional turmoil as much as acquiring a rather expandable set of thoughts and emotions affected by my surrounding. Maybe I'd call that being responsive.
I tend to lose time in observation, dwell into the dynamic scene of life and willingly surrender to the natural influence of poles. I lose myself to a book, to a movie, a song, music, anything that I allow into my surrounding and allow myself, subconsciously, to get affected by. I've come to discover that there is one thing that forcefully affects me the most.
A strong influence that not only affects me, but shapes my very existence. An experiential series that lingers in my mind and memory, that which constructs the course of my path and accompany me through it. A reflection to my character, my thoughts and actions.
Human beings.
And not to get confused, it's not an immature influence nor by reckless indefinite number. It is that invisible touch of a human, swiftly crossing your path, sometimes remotely, but deeply effective. A word, an action, that is sometimes not even directed to you, but in their presence you experience something.
That intangible touch of humanity that teaches you something you never thought you'd acquire. Endorsing relevance and relatability through each other's vulnerability. Acknowledging silently why human beings are the most cherished creatures. The fact that their positives and negatives both teach you something, how they amend your vision, makes them indispensable.
So here's to the human beings that crossed my life, I'm grateful for your existence, even the momentary one. Most of all, here's to the human beings who willingly moulded themselves into becoming my significant creatures of friendship, the ones who their presence wasn't forced, but a decision of choice. You are indispensable, you are true matter.

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